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goods are our best friends

Goods are our best friends, our beloved. They serve us with security and power, recognition and belonging, they provide us social status and prestige, identity, freedom and independence. All this completely unconditionally. Goods never let you down. But sometimes, when a good has done its service, fulfilled its purpose, the time has come to say goodbye.

Making of a Diamond

A Diamond is made of 200 g (8 oz) cremation ashes of a good, by using HPHT technology (high-pressure and high-temperature) in our state-of-the-art Swiss laboratory in the city Bern, Switzerland. Each diamond is delivered with a certificate, which confirms the authenticity of the diamond by MAUST Diamonds.

Diamond Finder

If you lack an own object of emotional value, MAUST Diamonds offers a selection of diamonds made from goods. Just book our Package Diamond Finder and you can find your resonating love by swiping through our catalog of pre-transformed goods.

You never have to let go again

MAUST Diamonds turns goods in eternal diamonds. Whether your big love belongs to a car, a favorite pair of shoes, old letters, a gun, a mobile phone, a piece of furniture, a family photo album, a flag – your good is not lost. We take care of it. With MAUST Diamonds it will be transformed and will reach a state, where no more loss is necessary, as your good will reach an eternal state of matter. The most precious memories and emotions, highly cherished moments, fulfilled and desired love are unified in a new state of strength, preciousness, miracle and timelessness – the MAUST Diamond. You never have to let go again.

MAUST Wedding

MAUST Wedding, our renowned partner company, will serve you as your internationally experienced partner for relational bondings, if you wish to marry your beloved good before your significant love journey will take another turn forever.

Our promise

MAUST Diamonds and MAUST Wedding are committed to handle every single step with the respect, discretion and empathy that your love deserves.

Please contact MAUST Diamonds for further informations.

MAUST Diamonds in the Spektakel Vienna, Austria

MAUST Diamond presents the very 1st MAUST Diamond in the art.space from Spektakel in Vienna, Austria.

10th March to 8th April 2023


MAUST Diamonds is delighted and honored to present the very first diamond, manufactured by MAUST Diamonds. The diamond is made of the cremation ashes of a Pax wardrobe from Ikea with a unique, moving story. The story was partly written with ChatGPT Feb13 Version with the instruction: Write me a story from a wardrobe in a wardrobe in a wardrobe.

The Wardrobe Chronicles

Once upon a time, there was a magical wardrobe that contained not one, not two, but three wardrobes within it. Each wardrobe was different from the other, and each one held a unique mystery.

The first wardrobe was made of oak and was large enough to fit a grown adult inside. It was old and creaky, with hinges that squeaked when it was opened. Inside this wardrobe, there were shelves filled with clothes of various sizes and styles. There were dresses, suits, hats, and shoes, all neatly arranged and waiting for their owners to wear them.

The second wardrobe was made of local beech and was smaller than the first. It was a little more modern in design and had a sliding door that revealed a single compartment. Inside this wardrobe, there was a single coat hanger that held a long, flowing cloak made of a mysterious fabric. The cloak shimmered in the light, and no matter how long someone looked at it, they could never quite tell what color it was.

The third wardrobe was the smallest and most unspectacular of them all and was a mass-produced good made of chipboard. But the interior was extraordinary. Inside this wardrobe, there was a secret compartment hidden behind a false back panel. The compartment was empty except for a small, leather-bound book with the words „The Wardrobe Chronicles“ written on the cover in gold letters.

One day, a young girl named Sophie stumbled upon the magical wardrobe. She had been playing hide-and-seek with her friends when she saw the oak wardrobe and decided to hide inside it. She opened the doors and saw the shelves of clothes.

As she explored further, she noticed the smaller wardrobe inside it and opened it too. She was amazed to see the shimmering cloak and tried it on, but it was too big for her.

Feeling disappointed, she moved to the last wardrobe, the one made from chipboard. She opened it, and to her surprise, she found the secret compartment. She opened the leather-bound book, and as she read it, she discovered the stories of all the people who were involved in the manufacture of the wardrobe and who usually disappear behind mass products – the warehousemen, transporters, forest and mine workers, designers, etc. – and also the stories of all the people who had used the wardrobe before her. She learned about the adventures they had, the secrets they had hidden, and the magic they had experienced.

Sophie became fascinated with the magical wardrobe and its hidden secrets. Over time, the wardrobe came to live more and more. She visited it often, trying on different clothes and imagining herself in the adventures that the previous users had experienced. And whenever she felt lonely or bored, she would open the leather-bound book and read the stories, which always transported her to a world of magic and wonder.

Sophie grew up, but she never forgot the magic wardrobe in the wardrobe in the wardrobe and how he helped her, when she was child. In order to pay tribute to the wardrobe and all the people behind, as well to express her feelings, she decided to make a diamond out of it. With a MAUST Diamond, the wardrobe reaches an eternal state of matter, the stories from all the people, the precious memories and emotions become timeless and Sophie never have let go.

www.maust.ch/diamonds ist art. The results documented on this website were obtained using the creative intuition by the artist Stefan Maurer at the time of examination. For further informations please contact the artist.

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